Wednesday, June 6, 2001

day 25, Erwin, TN (Uncle Johnny's)

Start:  Hughs Gap, TN
End:  Erwin, TN (Uncle Johnny's)
Miles:  27.2 today, 365.9 total

Basically, I spent ALL DAY hiking. Got up around 6am, got ready to go, started hiking at 9:30am. DeadManMurphy (it's a woman, she's married to a guy named Dead Man) drove Mission Man, D-Con, and I up to Hughs Gap. Mission Man and D-Con got out and hiked north, while I headed south back to Erwin. See, Mission Man and D-Con had been in Erwin for 4 or 5 days already, doing some slackpacking and taking a zero day or two. So technically, they were pretty far ahead of me.

On my hike south I met some people who have been a day or two ahead of me the whole time. I stopped and talked to Commodore for awhile. He basically does 20 milers except for when he's near or in town. He started May 15, so somewhere along the way he passed me. I passed Took, who was actually at Uncle Johnny's yesterday, and Powdered Toast Man. Took named himself when a bear "took" all his food back at Big Spring Shelter. I remember reading a lot about that when I stopped at Big Spring Shelter and signed the register. I don't know much about Powdered Toast Man. I also passed Chris (Devo). He's officially going to change his trailname to "Raver" tomorrow. Anyway, after a long but prosperous slackpack, I got back around 8pm and took it easy the rest of the night.

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