Saturday, July 28, 2001

day 77, Auburn Overlook c, PA

Start:  501 Shelter
End:  Auburn Overlook (campsite)
Miles:  21.2 today, 1194.9 total

Well, today's a rarity.  One of the few times, if not the first time, that I couldn't reach my goal for the day.  Actually, now that I mention it, I wasn't able to get to Peters Mountain Shelter the other day, and had to stop short at Clarks Ferry Shelter.  But anyway... so today I stopped about 2.5 miles shy of my goal.  I blame this on starting too late (9ish am) and the insane rockiness of the trail.  There were spots where it looked like the maintenance crew took rocks from the woods and put them on the trail itself.  So it was pretty slow going, somewhere around 2 mph.  The next few days will be interesting - the Thru-Hiker's Companion book says the real rocks, the ones where Bill Bryson's boots go to die, are found between Eckville and the Delaware Water Gap.  Oh joy.

There's someone else tenting nearby.  When I got here, I couldn't see any people, so I assumed he/she/they were in the tent.  I hope I don't get knifed in the middle of the night.  This is one of the few times when I think I'd feel better if I camped alone.  Too late to move now, I'm already in my bag.  An army of elephants couldn't move me now.

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