Tuesday, July 10, 2001

day 59, Swift Run Gap, VA (H-burg)

Start:  Pinefield Hut
End:  Swift Run Gap (Sunchase Apts, Harrisonburg)
Miles:  11.6 today, 887.4 total

Ok folks, I'm going to lay this thing to rest.  For the longest time I had a 5-day gap in my journal entries.  This one marks the LAST of those 5, and I'm writing it on August 19.  So, over a month late, but I remember July 10 like it was yesterday...

I remember feeling really fatigued all day.  Mild cold-like symptoms.  I was scared I had Lyme disease (even now, in Massachusetts, I'm scared I've got it, just in remission).  My appetite dropped, didn't really want to eat because it was a chore getting anything in my belly.  I never threw up, which was good.  However. this "24-hour" bug caused me to drop at least 5 more pounds when it had run its course.  Fortunately, I gained the weight back later.

Megan and I finished the day around 4-something pm.  She had accomplished her goal of finishing PATC Map #11.  We called her roommate Ujala to come pick us up, and then waited for her, lounging in the grass just outside the park's Swift Run Gap entrance station.  Eventually a small car pulls up with 3 girls inside.  So we cram in two sweaty hikers and head back to their place, with all the girls singing along to the Dixie Chicks.  I took a shower, ate a great spaghetti dinner, checked email, and took a nap at Megan's.  Eventually, she dropped me off back at Sunchase.

It was fun spending these few days with Megan, and I'm thankful for all of the shuttling and hospitality she and her friends provided.  Looking forward to finishing up the SNP over the next few days.

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