Saturday, May 26, 2001

day 14, Russell Field S, TN

Start:  Fontana Dam Shelter
End:  Russell Field Shelter
Miles:  13.0 today, 175.8 total

Entering the Smokies, and boldly at that

I got a really late start getting out of Fontana today. I had to go to the P.O. which was only open between 10am - 12pm. Picked up my other pair of boots, sent the old ones back, along with some other stuff I rarely/never used.

I've been thinking that I haven't had a glass of milk in awhile. I think I'll have milk and OJ the next time I'm in town, rather than just OJ. To get some calcium today, I had an ice cream sandwich and Chaco Taco. I'm not sure how much calcium I get from my vitamins.

Left Fontana with Matt and Ken, two guys... oh, I already introduced them. Took some pictures and then hit the trail. I was surprised, I actually went faster than they did. Up until today, I had been the one who was lagging. I think it changed because they just got a lot of food, while I'm at about average weight.

I met Laura and two other people (don't know their names) at the Fontana Shelter, and then caught up with them here at Russell Field. Talked with Laura for awhile. She's from Houston, TX, and trying to thru-hike. Started on her own, which is pretty impressive. Her pack also weighs 20-something pounds, which is even more impressive.

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