Start: Swift Run Gap (Sunchase Apts, Harrisonburg)
End: Bearfence Mountain Hut
Miles: 9.0 today, 896.4 total
Wow! A whopping 9 miles! Break out the moleskin. I'll need it for this blistering pace! Haha... Actually, 9 miles isn't that bad considering I started at 4:30pm. I spent the earlier 2/3 of the day trying to get out of Harrisonburg. Megan drove me around a lot, for which I am very grateful. I went back and forth between the two Harrisonburg post offices trying to find my mail drop package. On the third try we finally got it. Picked up a new watch for only $5 that could do everything Bob's watch could do, and more. It was a pretty good deal. But then, whaddaya know, we find Bob's watch! It must've been under a car when Joe and I were looking for it. So I gave my new watch to Megan and kept Bob's watch for myself. It's good to have it back again.
We got some lunch from Wendy's, and I ate the biggest gut grenade of a burger. It was a triple cheeseburger, 3/4 of a pound of meat on it. When I started hiking, my heart had to do a few warm-up laps to clean out the grease in my arteries. Good meal.
There's a chance I might do 26.8 miles tomorrow. I may just be senile.
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